WNA 30th Annual Conference Wrap-up 
  • October 06, 2023

Dear WNA Members, 

It doesn't seem possible but it's been a bit over three weeks since we were in Kuala Lumpur. We appreciate very much all of you who attended, I know from personal experience it was a loooonnnggg flight for many. But, once we were there the Four Seasons was a nice home away from home. Unfortunately I seemd to have caught a head cold from a very chilly guest room and apologize if I wasn't "always on my game! 

We had a good attendace, a total of 41 people attending the meeting. One on One Sessions seemed especially active with nearly 300 meetings requested. The setup proved to be efficient and the MoJo meeting planner seemed to work quite well. Also having the tables numbered seemed to make things more efficient. A huge thank you to UCS for hosting our group dinner on Monday evening! Very much appreciated Richard and Long. The Welcome Reception was unique in the Bar Trigona. And, thank you to all of you for attending, it was noted and appreciated.

Again, all the best and stay tuned for news on the 31st WNA Conference to follow. 

All the best, 

Patrick and Ardy