Message from WNA President Frank Parker 
  • March 27, 2024

Dear WNA Members,


I would like to announce that Pat Weston will be retiring from his position as Executive Director of WNA effective April 1, 2024. 

I, along with the Board of Directors, would like to thank Pat for his 20+ years of service and for everything that Pat, and of course his wife Ardy, have done over the years to make World Net Associates one of the premier Forwarding & Logistics Networks in the World.

Pat and Ardy will definitely be missed, especially during the times of our Annual Conference, where their planning and organizational skills have kept things moving smoothly for so many years.  They are to be commended for a job very well done.

We will also welcome a new Executive Director effective April 1, 2024.  Rick Nagrocki, who has been involved with WNA for the past 15 years as a partner member with Corrigan Air & Sea Cargo, will be taking over Pat’s position.  We are glad to have Rick on board as we feel that his experience in the industry will certainly be an asset to WNA.

Please join me in welcoming Rick and feel free to reach out to him with any comments or questions.

Thanks & regards,

Frank Parker
